Urbanetta Member


  • Thank you all very much for the responses and input. Ronjsteele, that sounded one awful experience you had, so I hope you made a full recovery for the long term. I'm astonished, frankly, at the responses your comment received from some members who should learn some basic online manners, particularly when talking to other…
  • I meant to add I also use Fitbit to track steps and it's very useful. Walking really does help keep you toned and if you're logging steps, you'll probably do far more than you would otherwise.
  • Well done Shadow2Soul! Your legs look fab AND toned. Many women carry weight on hips and thighs, I know I do. I have a relatively small waist but then it all goes, literally, pear-shaped! So your pix will give me inspiration to keep going. Thanks for posting.
  • If it's white wine, try adding a load of ice cubes. Yes, that does dilute it but it makes a glass last longer than just being 'neat'. Or add sparkling water to spritzer it - you then have a l-o-n-g drink! If it's red wine, get as decent a bottle as you can afford. You'll probably savour it more, so it's easier to take more…
    in Alcohol Comment by Urbanetta March 2016