

  • The scale can be fickle, but you know you are losing weight when you can fit into smaller jeans!!! Great job, keep it up!!!
  • Rvrbarb - 1 Catriona - 2 Nia - 2 Stephanie - 3 Wendy - 3 Jill - 3 Robin - 1 Lana - 1 Lauren - 1 SteF - 3 Callie - 2 mj - 2 Heidi - 2 Mia - 3 Sandi - 3 Elyse - 3 Autumn -1 Catherine - 2 Ellie - 2 Lyssa-2 Lindsay- 1 Cina-3 Angie-1 Mindy- 2 Allison-1 Kathy - 1 Nancy - 2 please keep my name at the bottom of the list it is…
  • Thanks for the motivation!! Rvrbarb - 1 Catriona - 2 Nia - 1 Stephanie - 2 Wendy - 2 Jill - 2 Robin - 1 Lana - 1 Lauren - 1 SteF - 2 Callie - 1 Heidi - 1 Mia - 1 Sandi - 2 Elyse - 2 Autumn -1 Catherine - 1 Ellie - 2 Lyssa-1 (for yesterday) Lindsay- 1 Cina-2 Nancy - 1 please keep my name at the bottom of the list it is…
  • June 1 Catriona - 1 Nia - 1 Stephanie - 1 Wendy - 1 Jill - 1 Robin - 1 Lana - 1 Lauren - 1 SteF - 1 Callie - 1 Heidi - 1 Mia - 1 Sandi - 1 Nancy - 1 please keep my name at the bottom of the list it is easyer to up date it with my phone since I can't seem go to the top of the list. Thank you Thank you for this motivation,…
  • Thanks for the bumps, I'm fairly new and had not seen this before. I'm printing it out!!