Sarabear_20 Member


  • I'm 5'0 and around 107 pounds. All my weight is in my butt and thighs and makes me look disproportioned :p I'm trying to get down to 100 pounds, as well as tone my thighs and butt. Any good exercises and tips for toning would be great :)
  • Hi, I'm 5'0 and around 107 pounds. My lowest was 102 and I honestly looked the same. My stomach was a bit flatter but that was about it. My goal now is to get even lower, hopefully 100 or less. My bottom half is my problem area and it is so hard to lose weight there :p
  • I am also 18, 5'0 and about 107 pounds. I think this is an average weight for a girl our size but it also depends on where you retain your body fat. I'm pear shaped and I would love to lose more weight on my bottom half, hopefully get back down to 102. But i think toning your body would help a lot more than trying to lose…