runlong16 Member


  • I got Metamucil today and it kept me full! As part of a healthy diet of course
  • I really enjoy going to classes even though I've been working out on my own regularly. It can keep you accountable and encourage you to try something new. For me I know I'm less likely to work out in the evening if I'm the only person keeping myself accountable, so on the days my schedule makes me likely to skip I will go…
  • Thanks for this post. I would estimate I want to lose 10 pounds, possibly less but I actually quit weighing for mental health reasons so I only go buy clothing/how I look/measuring tape. I honestly don't crave anything in particular and am willing to eat pretty much anything. I have my goal set to .5 pounds per week and…
  • Thank you. I tried this yesterday and had a nice meal with lean meat and veggies about 2 hours before bed and then a couple boiled eggs and slept pretty well. Still woke up ravenous around 6am but at least I wasn't hitting the fridge for a full meal around midnight.
  • I appreciate the help, but running distance (which is what I do primarily) uses free fatty acids not anaerobic glycolysis, creatine phosphate cycle etc. so this isn't true. You also aren't considering that the type of exercise you do does not shape your body so much as people with certain body types are more adept for…
  • That's only 50 pounds heavier than me. Be cautious about overestimating your burn.
  • Plus even if you are technically "obese" that isn't the same as what we coloquially know or call obese. If you start strength training it will shift your reading since it is a ratio. But you don't appear to be obese. If that makes any sense.
  • That's bioelectrical impedance and is really dependent on how hydrated you are and can be iffy, so take it with a grain of salt and focus on health. The right body composition will follow.
  • I'm also trying to change my composition. To spare lean mass the main idea is to still be at a caloric deficit but getting plenty of protein (around 30%) and keep strength training. It's tough. Good luck!
  • I wouldn't trust that you burn 1000 extra calories from walking, since I only burn about that much when I run 10 miles. Be really careful with fitbits and stuff as they are just guidelines. Make sure you know your BMR and target calorie ranges, and then don't log your walking calories. Eat only if you are hungry and make…
  • I'm sorry but this paragraph just isn't correct. Men and women have different standards for body composition and health. And just because it is an 'average' value doesn't mean it is best for health. Also consider that BMI does not take into account body composition. Male athletes are certainly lower than 15-20%, and males…
  • As someone with an exercise science degree I can tell you 26% body fat for men is obese. More than 33% for women is obese. In our society we just aren't used to the standards. That isn't to say I think you look bad though!
  • It will take a while, especially for cardio (from my experience). Just put your music on and forget you are even there. I went from throwing up jogging less than a mile to running a half marathon, but it took about a year for me to get used to exercising regularly. Don't give up.