AniF368 Member


  • I really liked this post for getting a conversation started. Thanks ajc1309. I have never really been able to tell what I look like. I feel enormous on days when I'm definitely not and I don't notice sometimes when I have put on weight and am bursting out of my clothes. How wildly different I feel seems to be disconnected…
  • Hi there I like this question a lot as I'm just starting out and am a bit lost in the world of fitness gear. I'm using 'map my run' app to log my runs and walks. I want a heart rate monitor but I don't know which one and haven't started looking yet. My scale is a quite old electronic one, no fancy BMI measuring or anything…
  • This is an interesting discussion for me; I have very big calves too, always have done and they make me self conscious wearing shorts and skirts. I've never been able to wear a pair of long leather boots. They just won't do up over my calves. I'm heartened to hear some people have lost an inch or two from their calves with…