gdesousa_93 Member


  • Thank you to everyone else commenting, it's good to hear how others feel about it! I know some people disagree with the new year's resolution mindset but personally I think it's a nice time to start fresh and try and develop some healthier habits. Like you said Kristin, I'm trying to live healthier rather than diet. I…
  • Height 5'8" HW: 161.5 CW: 160.9 GW: 135-140 11/12: 161.5 11/19: 159.3 11/26: 11/30: So I think I was right about my cycle, my weight this week had been consistently lower, but because I'm using a trend weight the one I'm recording here is still a bit higher than I have seen (lowest this week was 157.2), but it's steadily…
  • @aeshippers sorry! It's your Total Daily Energy Expenditure - eating under this normally allows weight loss, as you're burning more than you're eating so your body needs to use up some of the fat stored in your body. Go to, you can work it out quickly there, but tbh if you have been updating your weight…
  • Have you worked out a new TDEE since losing weight? 30lbs is a lot to lose (congratulations!) and the calories you need to stay below may have decreased with your smaller size (or even increased with exercise and possible muscle gain). Other things I've seen repeated online are making sure you're accurately measuring your…
  • Thank you for the thoughtful replies! I think you're right, I need to find something that's going to work in the long term. That's why in theory I liked the idea of doing 5:2, I could pick a couple of 'quiet' days socially where it wouldn't cause trouble to skip food, but still enjoy the rest of the week without the…
  • Height 5'8" HW: 161.5 CW: 160.9 GW: 135-140 11/12: 161.5 11/19: 11/26: 11/30: I'm just starting (again), if I can lose even half a pound a week I'd be happy as that's progress, though ideally I'd like that to be more 1lb a week. I'm dropping this idea of doing intermittent fasting for now, clearly when I have done that…