This is exactly what I'm discovering!
This time last year I was 460. I'm now 300! Where can I find one of those scales? !
In the past I've become obsessive, so I try not to do it daily. But right now, I'm enjoying it. Thanks for encouragement!
All the clothes she is now too small to fit!
Hey...I'm all for the goofy feeling! I think I spent far too long feeling poorly about myself, and if working out for a few days can make me feel like this..they I will take it! Hail to the power of feeling like a beast! Goofy...yes, but I'll Take it! LOL~ #lovingthislife!
Thanks so much for the encouragement! I walk into the gym now like a BOSS instead of slinking in and hoping no one notices me...LOL!
Knowledge is very powerful on this journey isn't it? The other thing its teaching me is how effective my exercise is as a part of this journey!