corgifever Member


  • Hi! Bf mom here of a 4 yr old and a 2 yr old. I'm still bf my 2 yr old and trying to lose the baby belly. 5'6" and 148lbs, I'm looking to lose 18 more pounds to get to what looks good on me. I only bf once or twice a day so I'm just not sure how many calories I should be getting. I'm very active and teach water fitness…
  • Oh and congrats on getting to 20 months and still breastfeeding! Many people (including my own mom) were shocked and maybe a little negative about me still breastfeeding at 20 months and even more shocked/disgusted now.
  • If you find please let me know! I have a 24 month old that nurses from me 1-3 times a day still and I want to lose weight safely without compromising my ability to nurse her until she is ready to wean.
  • :) I did it to kick me into a new frame of mind and that's what led me here, as a way to keep track of what I ate now that the three days are over. I agree that hot dogs are not a magical diet food and in fact I really dislike them but it was easy to follow this diet and I didn't need to prepare special meals for myself as…
  • Hi! I'm new too! What do active friends do for you?