musickfit Member


  • I definitely agree with the others, tackle the bigger rocks first. Once you have those under control, it's easer to consider things like gut health and inflammation. That being said, I definitely disagree that they aren't "bad" for you. As someone who consumed her fair share of artificial sweeteners, I can tell you it has…
  • Calories will not change based on your diet type either, keto, paleo, FODMAP, calories will stay the same, macros will change. A good place to start is 11 x your BW and track your weight. If it goes up, decrease, if it goes down more than 2 lb 2 weeks in a row, you can increase.
  • Hey @HarveysBud! I'm Lauren, a personal trainer and nutritionist. This is what I personally would recommend to my clients: Yes, your macros do play a large part in maintaining lean mass while losing fat. Well just one macro really - protein. When you're in a caloric deficit, that a little higher than it would be during a…
    in Carb % ? Comment by musickfit March 2018