My stars. That is a lot of water!! Please don't wade in it...turn around, don't drown!
Nah...those were at an attraction. But I did post a picture of one of "my" gators...I think that was last week.
Maybe I can help...I am a professional writer. What would you like to know?
Thanks, Peach.
My cats laugh at me, too. Little know-it-alls!
Thank you for posting such a lovely picture of your grandbaby. One of the prettiest things I saw today! Sniffles and all.
I am there for you! Remind yourself of past adversities you have faced and overcome, then dig down deep and pull it odd one mo time. Remember to be kind to yourself...and kindness is taking care of your body, mind and soul. We are pulling for you!!
I bet you do! Keep us posted.
Feel better soon!
OH, MY GOODNESS! I just heard an alligator roar really close to me!! Thank goodness my home is on pillars and I am eight feet up!! Listen:
For all people who love watching all creatures great and small: I am a writer, and today, I spend my day on my porch, watching to male cardinals fighting over (evidently) the most beautiful female cardinal ever, and a lizard chase his dearly beloved up and down my banister. The cats twitch and purr in their sleep, and the…
Thank you, Peach!!
I wonder if my experience can help anyone out. I was abused as a child from about age 5 to age 15, using legal definitions of these terms. At 57, I am in a peace-filled place. Here is what I have learned about toxic people and situations. Avoid labeling them. Simply say, "This is where they are in their life, and this is…
What a beautiful way to start the day.
I am am changing my pic too. I am a proud grandmother, true. But I am also a pretty good Noreen (and getting better all the time.) Thanks again and much love.
Haven't written in a day or two, and it's all y'alls fault. Thanks to the gentle nudging, I cleaned out my closet and took clothes I hate to charity. That includes "fat" clothes, frumpy clothes, and my size 8s that sit in silent rubke of my size 18 self. Out! Out with you!! Then I picked up an old hobby I haven't done in…
Send a beautiful, well chosen gift, your regrets, and your sincere wishes for a long life in love.
Uh, oh. Maybe I don't want 'em after all! Some day, chickens, though.
These turkeys hang out a friend's home. I want some!!!!
"Good morning!!" my pups say. It's PEE o'clock!!
The secret to living well and long is: Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure..." Tibetan proverb Thank you BarbieCat. You are the heart and soul of this group.
Another good day today. Calories left on the table! (So to speak.)
Success yesterday! I finished with 42 calories to spare. I ate small meals every couple of hours, which staved off FoBH...Fear of Being Hungry. Gotta quote Scarlett one more time: "I will nevah go hungrah a-gain."
It's not easy, but I just play the part of awesome chef and think, "I am so special I have to make food just for me". Becca to the rescue!!!!!! So, you go ahead and have your bedtime snack, but it is a nutrtionally sound homemade dessert. I love the recipe idea. Bet this would taste good with a half of backed sweet tater.…
Oh, y'all. I binged again last night on Cascadian Farms Oats and Honey Crunch. 6 ounces, almost half a box. That's two nights in a row. I have a new plan for tonight. After dinner, I am going to our upstairs den and working on a storyboard. John is not going to like this, but I cannot just sit there and watch his 6 foot…
OK, I didn't binge, but I am over 168. This is really, really hard. I am chewing gum like a maniac!!
It takes a very strong woman to raise a child who is, in any way, suffering in a way we can't stop. That's a hard place for any mama to be. Through all of this, please promise all of us that you will be very, very kind to yourself. Live as healthily as you can, dear, and make sure you find time to do the things you love.…