lauraaleshire Member


  • I'm at least proud of myself for standing up for myself, but I'm honestly hurt and pissed.
  • Got a doozy today, ladies. Coworker: how is your daughter doing? Me: she's great! She's two now and we have another on the way. Him: really? you know I was looking at you the other day and thought, "Wow. She's really having trouble getting the baby weight off." Me: That doesn't make me feel good at all. Him: Why? Now I…
  • I just had an OB appointment and she checked my weight but wasn't concerned. I just checked my own charts and it looks like it's been a little more up and down then I originally thought. Maybe all this heat is a contributor. But I still feel worried about how I look and sensitive.
  • Thanks ladies. I didn't gain for a couple weeks then gained almost three pounds! Not sure if my scale is wonky or if that's just the way it went down, but needless to say it freaked me out just a bit.
  • There is evidence at this point that Zika is linked to microencephaly. That being said, there are no cases of domestic transmission yet. For now the most important thing is that you and your partner avoid travel to countries in which transmission has occurred.
    in Zika Comment by lauraaleshire May 2016
  • Juno, Away We Go, Waitress are classics in my mind. For those who don't mind a bit of a darker movie Fargo, Children of Men both have great pregnant characters. Would love any other ideas people have.
  • On my second pregnancy now and due on November 16. I have a sweet toddler and a (thankfully) supportive husband who has taken up more household duties since I've been going through the first trimester symptoms. We both work and care for our daughter and are looking forward to the next one joining our little family!
  • Thank you, ladies! It's just nice to know that I'm not alone. Pregnancy is a rollercoaster of feeling out of control with my body and simultaneously excited for the little one growing inside of it. In the last two days it almost seems like a switch turned on and I've been STARVING constantly. It was much easier to stay…