cowano630 Member


  • That's awesome! Great job!
  • Type 1 pumper too! Diagnosed when I was 26, on the pump 2 years later. I was religious about MFP for 3 months last year and really tried hard to eat mostly clean. Cutting unprocessed foods from my diet brought my insulin ratios and usage down by 1/3, even before I lost weight. I did lose about 30#, then got lazy and gained…
  • Hi and congrats to all for healthy eating! I'm an omnivore but also type 1 insulin pump user. I find when I try to eliminate most processed food I need to cut back on my insulin to carbs ratio. If I'm pretty strict about it, I use 1\3 less bolus insulin.
  • sw - 183#, cw - 158#, goal - varies but right now shooting for 145#. I have lost 25# and still am the same pants size. While that is a bit discouraging, I do take pics every 4 weeks and you can see a difference in those. This is day 60 of being serious on MFP. It does get easier.
  • Congrats on your new baby! I'm 5'4" 46 yo female. Starting weight was 183, cw is 158, goal weight keeps changing. I am doing 10% body weight loss at a time. It is less intimidating. So I reached my first goal, now on my 2nd goal which is 145. That will get me in the upper end of healthy BMI range as well as being the 2nd…
  • Great job! Thank you for the motivation. I have lost 20# and can't see much of a difference, jeans are a little looser, need a smaller bra size, but that's it. Figures I'd lose majority of wright in one place, lol. I have 20-30 more to go so it is nice (less discouraging) to read it took you 4 months to see a difference.
  • Keep up the great work! Well done!