You look amazing!!
I've lost a lot on Atkins in the past and it's great if you can maintain a low carb lifestyle for years but I wasn't able to transition smoothly after I lost the weight so I still watch my carbs,but not eliminate any food group this time..
- name is Hope and I'm looking for support also..I've joined Twinbody for support also and will be counting calories and carbs here..not new,but was using another app for a bit
Such an inspiration..hard work pays off! Love your story
I lost 17 lbs on SP,but then felt like I was starving and started to binge more so I recently tried points plus and it was better for sure, but I think ultimately counting calories will be easier..
Congrats! That's amazing
I did the same 100 calorie yogurt bar was like 5 sp vs just counting as 100 calories etc so I've been counting calories and it works out just fine