DakotaG96 Member


  • Well congratulations on the 2 week mark of a lifelong journey! If you need any tips as far as eating, workouts etc. hmu
  • Air Force Warhawk, just got into lifting a few months ago. Going for those big gains now! Also a non-official official fitness instructor at golds gym here in nc.
  • I'm the same way struggling with weight. Along with eating I have found that using serious mass by on series really helps packing in muscle and helping get your metabolism lowered.
  • Honestly I think most people have been in your shoes, I know I have! One of the best things I have done is progress photos. It shows what you were like a year ago compared to now. It can be very encouraging when you are having a hard time because Joshmo on your right is stinking ripped and showing off. So I encourage you…
  • First off I'm so sorry for the loss! There isn't anything like loosing someone close to you! I can say it will be tough trying to take your mind off of this tragic event but the gym can help you do that! It has helped me tremendously after I went through a pretty rough spell with depression. Feel free to add me if you want…
  • Hey I gotcha bro! I'm 132 (up from about 121 a couple months ago) I'm looking to put on about 20lbs Always been about 6% bf Other than training I try to keep a ball at my feet (soccer, or just go on a walk at our parks) Fitness wise always been active, training for about 5-6 months I do have some small exercise equipment…
  • Hey, I'm 21 5'6" and looking to gain weight or bulk as some out it! I've gone from 126lbs to 134 in the past 6 months and feeling great! Looking to keeping up the work!