hisgirlhoward Member


  • I have to add, I do not allow junk food in the house. I know, I sound like the Nazi wife. I tell them I am a food addict, which I am. If they were recovering alcoholics I wouldn't wave vodka under their nose. They can still have their junk, just not here. They can go out for pizza, candy and ice cream.
  • Actually my husband encouraged us to change our eating. We're middle age and even though we thought we were eating healthy, the SAD diet (The Standard American Diet) his numbers would come back high from his labs and they'd put him on more and more medications. He finally said enough! He asked me to research and we changed…
  • Thanks everyone. My food diary is open and I like sharing ideas. I actually had a vegan truffle today. I was so pleased with myself that I was able to eat just one. I actually put two on the counter and then put one back. I do make healthy deserts and have been able to limit them to one serving. I think because they're not…
  • It basically means to eat only natural unprocessed foods. If you have animal products make sure they are free of hormones, steroids etc. The best way to do that is to buy organic. Many of us follow different diets. I am whole plant based, meaning that I eat only things that grow while others may be Paleo etc. What we have…
  • Hi, I'm a plant based clean eating. Unfortunately I'm also a sugar addict so have fallen off the wagon more than once. I've been sugar free for a couple of weeks now and my diary is open. Please feel free to add me.
  • Please add me. I've been clean eating off and on for 5 years now. Lost a lot of weight in the beginning only to gain it back binge eating sweets. So, I've been off of sugar a couple of weeks now but need to work on getting my exercise in and diary my food.