singforbrandi Member


  • Thank you! I've been exploring with yoga and I walk/jog everyday but I don't think those things alone will cut it so I'm going to start a routine of squats, lunges, sit ups, etc. What work outs are you avid in?
  • Yes. But, it's difficult for me to do anything in a gym because I've got 2 young daughters. So this is definitely going to be a challenge for me. Good luck to you too!
  • I'm trying to gain 20 lbs within the next 2.5 months. My current weight is 95lbs, but I'm 5' even. My goal weight is 115. It's been so hard for me to keep my weight at 100 so I'm trying this out! I'm consuming 2,200 calories a day.. Way over what I've been consuming my entire life! My deadline is June, I'm hoping for the…