mellyrd7 Member


  • I always wanted to gain weight. I'm a skinny Latina who wants to have some more curves. Also last mth I got the flu hardly ate and went down to 103 lbs . Omgness I hated it and I looked so unhealthy . So now I'm 31 yrs old with a little girls body. Atleast that's how I feel
  • Oh wow 9lbs that's amazing !!! Keep me updated I can use the inspiration. I'll keep u updated as well. I been eating so much that i feel stuffed all day long. Can't wait for my body to adjust.
  • How long have u been on ur gain weight journey ? How much have to gained so far ?
  • Damn u eat 3,800 calories easily . Sheesh I wish !
  • So far today I'm only 200 calories short of my 2,100 calorie goal. But in the past I would be around 500 calories short.
  • I'll be ur gain weight buddy :). I been struggling to gain weight my whole life ! I'm 5'3 109 lbs and my goal is to reach 125 lbs- 130 lbs by July. I actually started taking apetamin 6 days ago. From day 1-4 I gained 4 lbs , day 5 I stayed the same and today I'm freakin 1 lb less. I just started tracking my calories again…