lauraspires27 Member


  • I have meal replacement shakes which contain protein, to try and kick start my body being used to less food before I switch up my meals, but I use unsweetened almond milk and it is the best thing i've ever discovered. Makes any shake taste so good. I have vanilla flavoured shakes and they are genuinely tasty. Definitely go…
  • I am in the same position as you! I'm back and trying to find the motivation/people the help me stick with it this time. I'm a little different to you, 5ft, weighing 11 stone 6 trying to get down to 10/just under. A month ago I was under 11 stone so I know I can get to 10 stone 10 ish easily, it's just I have never, ever…
  • - hit me up, I need friends! London/UK based would be even better!