alyssasobo Member


  • Wow, girl! Congrats! Loving the progress pic
  • It's ridiculous how much sugar is added to food! I thought I was doing great today by not pick up any form of desserts or extra sweets, and I'm still over my daily recommended limit. So, I feel ya. It takes constant attention to what we put in our bodies if we want to see change!
  • Congratulations on your weight loss so far! Keep going! The scale is important, but I like to judge off of how my clothes are fitting, compliments I receive from others, and actual measurements. Women's bodies can fluctuate depending on time of month, and it is true if you're building muscle the scale may move slower. Keep…
  • I've been building a lot of muscle, and every time I step on the scale I tell myself, "well, muscle weighs more than fat." While that may be true, I'm not going to reach my goals if I keep giving myself excuses as to why I'm not losing weight. Nutrition is most important for losing weight, then weight training, then…