valrockks Member


  • I use a polar heart rate monitor watch.
  • I lift and do cardio. Or lift and Plyos. At least 15-20 min of intervals on either treadmill or stairmaster
  • Yeah. I had dropped a lot of weight a while back and because of how quickly it went away my hormones went out of whack and I developed hypothyroidism and had to get my gallbladder removed so that's another issue when it comes to weightloss for me now. But you're right. I should be eating more. And I typically do, 1500 I…
  • Well no, I usually eat at least 1500. But isn't that the point to be in a calorie deficit or no? This whole hunger thing barely hit me this week.
  • I've been there before and the aftermath was the worst thing you could imagine it took me months to straighten myself out again. And there are many days where I break down again and want to throw the towel and eat crap or drink like there's no tomorrow but I drive myself to the gym cry a little and kill my workout. It…
    in Binging Comment by valrockks May 2016