svcardolino Member


  • Maybe that's where I'm going wrong. I thought that there would be an easier way to get around it than going to that would literally start to take over my life if I had to weigh out each and every thing I put in my mouth, 3 times a day. I think I will be more cautious over more things than others though. Thank…
  • Ok let me rephrase it, my diet is good. However I don't weigh all my foods out, tend to only weigh/measure milk & cheese and a mug of a pasta. I don't know what it is, whether it's because I've been following slimming world & maybe not a different food program, but whenever I gym a lot & eat what I'm allowed to which is…
  • Well I've started my fitness pal again and following my calorie intake....its just not showing on the scales so much which sucks because that then puts a downer on all the hard work I feel I do regarding gym & diet! I'm going to try portion sizes, less carbs and less of a treat and hope for the best. Do you suggest I…
  • Yeah I'm not too bad with my diet, although I do allow myself a small treat! I feel like because I have lost the bulk of what I need to lose already, maybe I should try cutting down portion sizes and not so much of a treat? Thanks :)