subk3 Member


  • I used to think the variation was mostly tied to how big/small your bone structure is, but I don't think that anymore. I think it is more closely tied to your body fat %. I'm 5'10" and for me 10 pounds equals one clothing size and at 160 I'm in size 8 pants. A year or so ago at the same weight I was in a size 10. In the…
  • I've been officially LC for a little more than a year and a half, but only started doing some diet tracking recently for those last few pounds. I've been weight training for 5 years twice a week and in the last 2 1/2 I've been "lifting heavy" (sorta--I'm a 52 year old woman w/back and knee issues doing barbell training…
  • Calories drive your weight loss, but carbs drive your hunger. When you go low carb you stop having carb/sugar cravings. When you increase your protien and fat intake you are eating more satisfying foods. Think how easy it would be to eat fewer calories if you aren't hungry and you aren't having cravings! Dropping the carbs…