ejcurtis Member


  • Hey, I just had a quick look at your diary (only a handful of days) but it seems like on those days you are settling for a lot of prepackaged foods or shakes for some meals. I 90 cal shake isn't really going to cut it. Making your own meals will also help consolidate good habits. Try and make sure you have vegetables,…
  • So, not really sure what happened this week but according to my scales I have lost 1.5kgs (3.3lb) this week. I think on Monday I must have been bloated/retaining water or something. That said, I have been super focused. Gym three times so far, under or at calories etc. I just need to stay focused and keep it going! After…
  • Yes! I'd like to join. I need to stay accountable. I'm getting married in a matter of months! slightly freaking out too... Starting Weight: 70.8kg (156lb) Current Weight: 69.6 (153lb) Septembers goal: 66.8 Ultimate Goal: 60 (132lb) September 3rd: September 10th: September 17th: September 24th: September 30th: Total Weight…
  • Hey! Firstly, congrats on getting to week 4! When I have done it in the past (I'm starting again this week) I would repeat I week if I felt I wasn't ready for the next step. You might find its only repeating that workout once or twice rather than the whole week. Listen to your body and progress when you're ready :)
  • Hey! How is everyone going with their wedding goals? I was on school camp Wednesday to Friday and ate waaay too much. The only slight offset was the fact I didn't sit down for three days. But, back to reality now. Im picking up my dress on Thursday. Eeep. Scared because I am nowhere near my ideal weight. But it should give…
  • What's Keto? Sorry, probably a stupid question! But I've never heard of it. October gives you loads of time, not only to reach your goals but to consolidate them into good permanent habits. I wish I had that foresight! Regular exercise is something I also struggle with but I don't really have an excuse! I drive about an…
  • Thanks Rhiannon, i will check it out! Ah,you've Def got the right idea starting early. I had every intention to and then bad it seems to have stuck up and it's right around the corner. I have been hosting an teacher from overseas and having lots of dinners out which I find the hardest to manage! What are your challenges?
  • No one??? Crumbs.