MikilouB Member


  • Working on it!!! SW: 250.8 7/9: 220 7/24: 214
  • 5'4" SW: 250.8 CW: 214.0 GW: 130-140 I log in daily...102 so far! Add me if you want!
  • I have been logging in and faithfully weighing and measuring my food for 102 days and lost 37 pounds. My close friends and family have told me I look better, but I always assume that is their way to support me. Today when I went to get my nails done, two of the techs in the salon told me I look great and asked me what I…
  • I also am basically an introvert and have spent much time just lurking on the site. I rarely if ever read the more social threads, but have learned a lot on the informational ones. I just recently accepted some friends with similar goals and am glad I did. There is a lot of helpful information, along with the occasional…
  • I find MFP works much better for me than WW or other programs. I have diligently weighed and logged my daily menus and watch my macros. I also got a Fitbit and make sure I get my steps in every day. At this point, my exercise is walking. I will add cardio a little later in my journey. Just get started, don't beat yourself…
  • I am 60 and started this journey in March, as of today I have lost 32 pounds. I agree with Rocknut...once I decided to take this seriously, it has been easy. Logging my food and making sure I move everyday has taken a little if the hard work out of it!!! I know I can eat this way for the rest of my life. And I plan to it…
  • Put on a shirt from 10 years ago (that was tight then) and it fits comfortably...even a bit loose. Size L, I was wearing XXL in the spring. I may have to break down and buy some new clothes before fall!!!
  • Assistant principal at a K-8 school, on vacation for 2 more weeks!!!!
  • I officially weigh myself one day a week in the morning. That is the weight I log in to MFP. However, I do weigh most mornings to keep track.
    in The SCALE Comment by MikilouB July 2016
  • I know it's a little late...but I'd like to join. SW: 250.8 CW: 220.2 GW: 160 FGW: 135-140 Please send me an invite.
  • Are you weighing your food and monitoring calories in versus calories out? If you are not at a deficit you won't lose, even with exercise.
  • Basically, I have lost about 30 lbs just with logging and staying in a calorie deficit. I just recently started exercising (walking) with and eye to getting in better shape for health reasons. Just be sure you are weighing all your food...that as my biggest aha, eyeballing portion size can be misleading. It may take a…
  • As long as you are in a calorie deficit, a treat is just fine! If you do the guilt thing, you may eventually just give up. This journey should be a long term thing. Can you live the rest of your life this way...if yes, yay for you...if no, then make a change. I track/log everything and make plans for those "treats" I…
  • I log it always, don't always weigh it. However, I don't always weigh or log spices and herbs because I usually use very little of them. Helps me keep track of nutrients etc.
  • Yoplait light strawberry banana yogurt and ice tea!
  • I am 60 as well. I started here at the end of March and have lost 28 lbs so far. Currently my only exercise is walking, my treat for losing 50 lbs will be a gym membership! My piece of advice to you is to be honest in your logging...sometimes it is a bit of a shock but it helps keep you on track. Also, don't complex cut…
  • Find something you like and do it regularly!!! I would think an active game of squash would be exercise....and Zumba is a type of dance...so both are exercise. Working out doesn't have to be in a gym or to a dvd. Anything that makes you move, sweat and raises your heart rate can be exercise!
  • Congratulations to you all! This is a difficult, but rewarding journey. My starting weight was 251 pounds on March 28, today I weighed in at 229. I'm weighing and measuring everything, exercising more than I ever have and feeling good! I have set my loss to 1lb per week and have done that each week. I find this is the best…
  • I don't keep candy or junk in the house...if I eat it, I have to go out to get it...then I make sure I log it!
  • When you say the weight isn't coming off, do you mean your aren't losing anything or not as fast as you want? Slow is better for you and more sustainable in the long run. 1-2 pounds a week makes the most sense. Limiting carbs is ok, but watch your total calorie intake...remember, more calories out than in will result in…
  • I eat 3 meals a day...I don't snack. I find I can plan easier that way. Like many, don't drink my calories. Move every day. Allow for occasional indulgences.
  • I am 60 and I began using MFP on March 27, 2016 after being diagnosed with both RA and diabetes. I have had weight issues most of my life. After many times of trying and yoyo-ing, this is it. So far I have lost 16 pounds, mostly by watching my portion size and walking every day. By tracking and being honest with myself...I…
  • I am turning 59 this week. I have decided to take control again. Age is just how long you have been around...I am determined to be healthy, active and in charge by my 60th!!! 50 pounds by my 60th. Looking forward to this challenge