eatonandrea Member


  • Hi sharmrp, thanks for your reply. My clothes definitely feel looser, but I think that's more from the weight I lost before using MFP. I did a chemical diet for 2 weeks and then a high protein diet the following 2 weeks and lost 10lbs. I then found the MFP app and started calorie counting based on the amount of calories it…
  • Bit of a harsh reply kommodeveran! As stated in one of my earlier replies, I was surprised by how many calories I must have been consuming prior to using this app, so I know I am now eating a lot less than I was, as by inputting what I'm eating, it's not rocket science to know that I was previously over eating! As for your…
  • Hi Jacqui, thanks for your post. I've replied already, but it's not showing. I do check the amount I consume against the entry on the app and alter the amount consumed accordingly. My thyroid level is checked every 6 months. Hi Malibu, thanks for the link, that's a really good post. I honestly thought though (once I…
  • Hi meissastar, thanks, I have thought about doing that.
  • Hi Malibu, I'm using the app to record what I eat and checking what it says for the amount of calories against the info on the food products. Sometimes I'm showing as eating under the recommended daily amount of calories, and using the app has really made me think about what I eat.