daas325 Member


  • Just wanted to give a little update! It was tough but I gave the dieting a break for the last two weeks. I was on vacation for the past week and my calories were up on average 4-500 each day then my usual. I didn't really want to get on the scale this morning, but I'm actually down slightly from my previous lowest weight.…
    in Diet break? Comment by daas325 May 2016
  • Great idea! I will just chill and let it happen if it happens! It really hasn't moved down consistently for 4 weeks, I have just fluctuated very slightly up and down around the same weight.
    in Diet break? Comment by daas325 May 2016
  • Thank you, it is stressful to obsess over not losing anything for weeks. I really didn't think I was eating at a true maintenance level just because I have still been very hungry some days! If this was how I would feel from now on this would be unsustainable for sure. I have no issue with extreme hunger when I maintain my…
    in Diet break? Comment by daas325 May 2016
  • Thanks everyone, it is mentally tough to take a break when you just want to be done! I am going to try a weekend or maybe even a full week eating around maintenance to see if that helps. It makes sense when the diet isn't even working. How did you find your maintenance level, or were these just days of completely not…
    in Diet break? Comment by daas325 May 2016