This morning was awesome. My little ones didn't fuss getting up for school so that means that I was able to put in a little extra time for my pre-workout (dancing ). Lol :D Breakfast was a banana, coffee, a slice of 100% whole wheat toast, two boiled eggs and plain greek yogurt.
You can do it!
Thank you! I'm very excited and over joyed that I'm meeting so many mommies on her also. "Athena" works just fine for me. Hey laundry works. It's a great source for weights. I use my baskets for weights sometimes. You can do it! That 15 mile run will be no problem. Stop thinking about it. Once you start thinking you will…
You can freeze those nooks or teether and let her chew on them
You can still do light workouts using the couch. Come on you can do it! It's no excuses year.
I'm so glad that you are well. You can paint what you been through to where you are now. I would love to see your work. Find you a muse. You came so far. I know that you can get through anything. ;)
This morning rocked for me also! Went grocery shopping and I had an awesome breakfast to get me through until lunch. I had a a light to medium workout after shopping. Now you stick to two cookies ;) .You can do it! :) This morning was like an amazing world wind. Just sitting down to check in with you awesome mom's.
Lol I know about jumping rope fiasco. I tried that this past weekend and it did not go well. My 5 and 4 year old still cheered me on though. They really got a good laugh. I hope the trail went great for you.
Awesome Ombbiulia! KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK! You can do it I know you can. Your breakfast sounds delicious.Did you workout?