bronx3140 Member


  • Yeah that's really strange. It's not duplicating it's, like, doing its own thing. If I'm able to figure that out I'll let you know.
  • The double calorie entry is because if you have Fitbit and MFP synced, any food entry that you log in MFP automatically goes into Fitbit as well. After I figured that out I started to just log food in MFP. It will shortly thereafter appear in Fitbit, or appear after you next connect/sync your Fitbit. Hope that makes sense.
  • I'm 5'3 (and a half!!!!) at 178 and my goal is 145. I was probably 130-135 for most of my adulthood but I'll be happy to get to 145, which looks and feels good. Thanks for starting this thread. It helps to have a sense of what others in a similar situation are struggling/succeeding with. I've been on 1,500 calories for two…
  • I'm also really frustrated. I keep kicking around the same weight although I have to say in the past the only way I've lost or maintained is by working really hard and I'm not doing that. I'm following a 1,500 calorie diet and that's about it. Haven't been moving my body nearly enough and certainly not working out. I guess…
    in Stuck Comment by bronx3140 April 2016