prosperitii Member


  • Thank you mlatrice, how is everything going with you? Trying to stay motivated is tough...but the support and hearing other's going through the same thing helps...
  • Hi Sassyshook, I am on a journey to lose 30 pounds, and would like motivation as well...we got this...
  • Hi katiestreifel, you can add me too...I need as much motivation as I can get, we are all in this together...lets motivate each other.
  • Honestly I found that running will give you quick results with weight loss...even if you just light jog, try the app: couch 2 5k to start it is an excellent beginning running tool, and it's free to download.
  • That's right mlatrice, yes girl we all want those arms...I found a way to make sure I get my workout in y'all...I bring my change of clothes to work change before I leave and go straight to the park or gym. It's nice out so I would rather enjoy the fresh air, and walk my 5 miles that way. So far so good, it worked for me…