I'm just about down to my goal weight, so I am going to start logging my food this week and next. Then make some ajustments as I go into maintainence. My diary is unlocked so feel free to check it out. I plan my calories consumed by the week not the day so it might not make total sense until next week.
@MalcolmX1983 sugars can be a tough one, I find most people eat too many carbs and processed foods. Everyone is a bit different as to what works best for them. Sugars and carbs Dan be such comfort foods making them even harder to resist.
Happy Mother's Day to all my Mom friends! Moms are the best!!!
Welcome to our group! @AnthonyEj
@georgebrown1122 I'll send you a friend request so we can talk some more. I would need some more information before I could really help you out.
@lindseyramsey2003 we all have to start somewhere. Just getting started is a big step!!
@KiraCharman I'm a pretty plain eater so maybe some of your recipes will come in handy!
Once a gain I would like to thank everyone for their comments. So what you you say is your number one challenge in sticking with your diet plan?
@Tiffs_Journey2016 I quite often say enjoy the journey to your goals!! It will take a bit of time for you to get back to where you once were and once your there, you can even start working on becoming even better!! Fantastic team of support here on MFP, welcome to the team!:-)
@jaxtraxdiet that is one for sure the learning never ends!
That's a good point @DennisA70 . I'm almost down to my goal weight once I am I'll start tracking my meals to see where exactly I'm at and to decide what adjustment I want to make going into maintenance.
@Rajveer29 I would like to be motivating so thank you. You have the ability to motivate as well, it doesn't matter how much you have to lose. The farther you have to go the greater the victory when you get there and the more motivating.
@DennisA70 I find I save money preplanning my food less food goes to waste and I don't eat cheap!
@tarynbearyn if your going to have cake make sure you leave a piece for the rest of us!!!
@jaxtraxdiet as I get older if find myself paying more and more attention to articles on aging and it's relationship to diet and fitness. What we eat and how we train makes a huge difference on how we age.
Great input guys!! I was wondering what has been the most successful adjustment or habit you do that has helped you progress to your goal? Mine would be planning my meals for the week.
I just want to thank everyone for their comments and for joining my group of friend. Wishing you all success!!
For me Dennis, the network gives me a group to be accountable to. Truth is first and for most you need to be accountable to yourself. But when your down and you see someone who has way farther to go and more challenges to get where they want to be pushing ahead each day despite all the obstacles they have. It's very…
As long as you keep trying you will eventually succeed.
Greek yogurt I see is a common one on here same for me as well. Also riccota cheese, sweet peas and bell peppers.
Always looking for new friends. Support,motivation, and mastering the lifestyle!! And let's have some fun while doing it!!
I'm an avid runner and lifter. I enjoy and am motivated by the success of others. Let's be friends and motivate each other!
I've been in the fitness lifestyle since 2011, lost some body fat, gained some muscle and got addicted to running! At 50 yrs old and no plans on stopping!! Nothing is more motivating than watching people progress to there goals.
I'm 50 years old and I'm thing of getting into track and field. Right now the closest thing I do to running track is 5ks.
Always looking for more active motivated friends! Let's encourage each other as we work toward our goals!!!
Always motivated, nothing is more encouraging to me than seeing the progress of others!!
I could always use another friend! Is there such a thing as to many friends?
Cool I'm 50yrs old new to the site I need to explore these groups, looks like fun. My main goals are running in nature, I am working toward running a mile in under 6min's and I want to run a 5k this year in under 24 mins.
I measure all my food and do some estimating. When I'm cutting fat I eat the same thing almost everyday, Saturday night is my treat meal. If you eat the same and your not losing weight then it is easy to cut back on something to get your weigh loss started again.
Always looking of more friends. The more the merrier!!!