You also might like resistance bands since they are small and travel well. Some sets have 40+ pounds of resistance for a wide variety of options. Similarly looking to YouTube for exercises with bands is good.
May I just comment - it sucks getting older! Actually, at 45 I do enjoy life. But the declining calorie burn is a real bummer! Your post caught my eye because I had just about the same day as you with just over 1400 calories burned. The two things I've found that really up the calorie burn are weight training and HIIT…
Do you have a heart rate monitor? You can wear that during exercise to get a more precise calorie burn report. I've done vigorous weight training and burned 500 calories in 45 minutes (at 145 pounds). And HIIT burns even more for the time. From your description, I'd guess you are burning more than you estimate.
How tall are you? If you are tall (like 5'5" or more), that's a pretty low number. Instead of focusing on the number, try looking at how your clothes look, body fat % or other measure that shows your fitness beyond the scale.