n95girl Member


  • keto. I have lost 44kg of fat from keto alone and now I am muscle building. I still could lose 1 more dress size in fat but am pretty happy with the results. I am wearing size 10 from a size 22/24
  • healthy keto with heaps of green vegies. I have lost 44kg from eating a healthy ketogenic diet. I have kept it all off over the last 2 years. I still do keto and my new goal is ketosis 365days of the year this year. I need to get down one more dress size. (size 8)
  • how much starches raise blood sugars and often more than table sugar.
  • We can supplement fat soluble vitamins but they need fat to be soluble. Also they need your gallbladder and liver to be working well to breakdown and metabolise the fat which get transported with the fat soluble vitamins around the body. with such a low fat diet we are making ourselves deficient and breaking down our…
  • I don't supplement but I ensure I eat sauerkraut, kimchi and fermented and pickled vegetables which is high in K2
  • I use it every single day. It is great for the gut as is anything fermented. Most people do not chew their food well and with the use of heavy carbohydrates in the form of grains and starches they often have bad bacteria/fungi/yeast and microbes growing in the gut and their stomachs become alkaline. It can kill pathogens…
  • I don't know what you know about a well formulated ketogenic diet (not just bacon and egg and cheese and cream) but a healthy food keto, there are loads of good studies and information out there about cancer needing glucose and ketogenic diet lowers glucose and produces ketones which cancer cannot utilise for its energy…
  • I think the body doesn't like to lose weight as it is a sign that there is famine and something is wrong. So just let your body adjust to the weight you have already lost and then all of a sudden when it realises it isn't in famine it will drop weight again. It has to do with hormones. Also stress causes us to put on…
  • Cannot have enough friends!!!! I think the more the merrier and the easier it is to stay focused and motivated!!!! I do a ketogenic diet and have started LIIFT4 last week. Today was chest and triceps day and boy was it a killer. Yes, add me and I will do my best to help keep you motivated!!!! Let's get our health in order…
  • I'm from Brissie Southside. Off and on using MFP but just started again a couple of days ago. I am going to try KETO. so if any aussies or southside of brissie people on Keto want to add me please do.