AndyKiu Member


  • oh, i understand. i always considered myself sedentary because i'm sitting most of the day. i tought that the right way to calculate was to add my steps/cardio to my sendentary lifestyle calories intake (2040 sedentary, 2290 lighly active) now it makes sense. by setting to active the results are MPA 3.7k calories, Fitbit…
  • i set my activity level to sedentary (desk job) and set my goal to mantain weight i usually walk 15-20k steps a day. i was just wondering how many cal i should eat to mantain, because the difference from MFP and Fitibit is huge (mpa 2.9k Fitbit 4.1k. more than 1k calories a day)
  • agree, i lost around 60 pounds by doing the "same" exercise i was just curious, i always tough that 1 hour of walking would burn around 300 kcal, but since i'm starting using fitbit i'm getting a super high amount of burned calories, which is kinda confusing me
  • No, according to yesterday report, my intake should have been 4160 calories meanwhile MFP says 2900 (same steps)
  • i'm mantaining/gaining. i was just wondering how many kcal does the average person burns by walking 20k steps daily (some websites says around 1k cal) or walking 1 hours at 4phm