Duroko Member


  • This is true but I'm just trying to get the point across that it doesn't guarantee weight loss for everyone. Some people have no problems processing breads and dairy and never gain weight from them while others bloat like a stuffed turkey lol.
  • Thank you lol. I just don't know how I lifestyle got dumped into the 2016 fad diet... I have been paleo for 5 years now and just don't get how they think it's some kind of diet program.
  • Paleoleap.com lol. I really enjoy the site and has great recipes.
    in Paleo Diet Comment by Duroko April 2016
  • I personally had good luck going paleo and I say that because I look at paleo as a lifestyle. Just like going vegan. Plus making it a lifestyle will keep the weight off because there is no keeping it off if you go back to your old lifestyle after you lose the weight.
  • Like other people here have stated. Do not expect paleo to be a miracle diet. Everybody's bodies are different and process various foods differently. I know people that lost tons on paleo but I also know people who gained weight on paleo. Plus in my opinion, "paleo" is a lifestyle not a diet.
    in PALEO DIET Comment by Duroko April 2016