maxam123 Member


  • January 2015 I stopped eating all sugary foods and more then 90% of man made process foods and I'm so happy. I will never go back to that lifestyle because I lost weight and was able to get off 13-prescribe meds.
  • My goal to become a non diabetic after 16-years on insulin which I was able to get off January 6, 2016 but was put on a oral pill which was cut in half and then switched to a different pill my doctor told me 2-weeks ago if I keep doing what I have Low Carb Diet and Serious Daily Exercising I should be able to control my…
  • I've been on a LCHF diet for a while and I have lost 60 pounds this year but I do a hour exercising every day.
  • To lose weight ditch all that fruit you been eating that much you you defeating your goal. You need a Low Carb (Veggies) Good Lean Protein and some good Healthy Fats (Nuts like Almonds and Walnuts and Avocados). You still can have fruit 1-2 serving a day. I been doing this for 6-months and lost 54-pounds.
  • You may have plateau however it could have been several other things you may have ate more salt then normal which will cause to retain fluids or you can be building some muscles. But often it may only last a week or 2 just keep going. I lost weight then I plateau for a month but then lost 12.8 pounds in last 4-weeks.