chrisbyradio Member


  • I went Vegan back about 6 years ago and had comparable results and didn't feel I was missing out on any foods. Low carb diets just make you go into starvation mode in the body producing ketones instead of glucose for your brain to function. I no longer do vegan but I think variety is where you find the best nutrients for…
  • just an example would be a 45 y/o female who weighs 125 is 5'7 and very active would have an estimate of 2583 caloric expenditure a day. A 25 y/o female who weighs 125, is 5'7 and very active would have an estimate of 2729 caloric expenditure a day. At 55, 2510. At 65, 2436. So age is definitely a factor in metabolism.
  • For sure, due to body composition changes (more lean mass). If you were just as active as you are now when you were 25 and had the exact same body composition you would have different caloric needs though. You can slow it down but it's how the body works. When calculating caloric needs you take age into consideration. Same…
  • So I don't particularly, but I am not an endurance athlete. Same with my clients. Most people only have 30 minutes a day to get out and do something and you'll more efficiently get your HR up and cover greater distance using interval methods than long, slow distance. I've trained for multiple triathlons in the past and…
  • Metabolism actually does change with age, it's calculated into your calorie expenditure when you sign up which is why you're losing weight, someone at the age of 25 has a very different caloric need than a 60 year old. There are a lot of myths to boosting metabolism (using supplementation/diets/etc) but when it comes to…
  • I think it's probably a good idea to also point out that it's not really weight loss that matters, it's fat loss. High intensity interval training is a good way to get better cardiovascular shape and lose fat while maintaining muscle. Might want to look more into that. You'll burn more calories then jogging on a treadmill.…
  • Vitamin deficiencies are usually rare except D and Iron (mostly in women). I would speak to a dietician, nutritionist and/or get a full blood check up from a doctor to see if you're actually deficient in any of your vitamin intake from diet alone. Supplementation is overused way too frequently. You can actually overdo…
  • Running at a slow steady rate can actually decrease muscle mass so yes technically it could have decreased your metabolism as it takes more energy to sustain muscle than fat, this really has nothing to do with water intake. If you're looking into getting into any sort of exercise regime, it's better to look at fat loss,…
  • I'm on here daily, every one feel free to add me, always nice to have some community support
  • Add me, looking to stay on my streak and help keep me accountable.