bybyq Member


  • ^Scale!! Yes. I just bought a scale few months ago -- something I should have done four years ago. Four years ago I moved to the UK. In the beginning of this year I just realised that I have gained 10kg (22lbs-ish?) Was completely mortified as I did realised I have gained some weight, but didn't think it would be THAT…
  • Norwich here :smiley:
  • Thank you mskessler89 and mom34mangos. Next time the subject is up again, I will talk to him about this. I think you're right, and it would be so much nicer to do this knowing him supporting what I do. Thank you :)
  • I am glad I am not the only one. I've gained more or less 20lbs because of contraception pill and I want to lose it now that I am no longer or it. But my husband would say "You're not fat" -- which is true because I am still within the healthy BMI range, or "you look good like this" -- and this is the one that bothers me…