gulbin2016 Member


  • Thanks Tracey :) . What shall I eat if I have 9%carb, 75% fat, 16% protein?? Whatever I choose I can't lower carb to 5% and bring protein to 20%. Tried egg white, or smoked salmon, or full egg, cream cheese etc.. nothing increases protein and lower carb.. this is what I find difficult. Can't still work out what would…
  • I'm quite determinal and will stick to this diet. Except not being able to eat fruit, everything else seems fine to me..
  • Hi, I'm new to keto diet too. In 5 days lost 4 ponds and i'm very happy. Need to lose 8 more and I'm looking for buddies to inspire and help each other. I'm a runner and looking for more energy. How can I friend someone in this app? Which button do we press?? Thanks guys.
  • I'd like to join too. I tried to do it twice in the past, but couldn't make it a habits. I'm keen his time. But is it going to be pushing myself too much? I already cycling to work twice (75 min each day), run 30 min 3 times a week and power walk 1 hr (5 days a week). Wanna do të too. Want to lose 10th kg! ! Had shin…