Cevans11 Member


  • my hubs and I are doing it right now as well. We're on week 2. Well, week 2 of exercise, but like our third week of doing it. We both travel a ton for work, so that and the 100+ degree temps we've been having have made it hard to be consistent. It is great for easing both of us back into running. Hubs tore his achilles…
  • Hello! I've used this site sporadically in the past as a means of checking in on my diet, and getting back on track when I'm splurging too much. I had my son in Oct 2015, and have about 5 lbs left to get to my pre-baby weight. Although my pre-baby weight was about 10 lbs heavier than I like to be, so ultimately, I have…
    in Welcome! Comment by Cevans11 April 2016