RosslandMTBr Member


  • It's definitely a lot of trial and error. I made a lot of mistakes in the beginning and ended up getting glutened. Now it is second nature. The hardest part is educating those around you so good is safe when you go to other people's houses.
  • I don't have a pic for you but in the last week I made my husband take a box of protein bars in to work with them because I couldn't be trusted around them. Nutritionally they weren't that bad but they were so darn tasty that I couldn't just eat one. Now that they are out of the house it is out of sight and out of mind. My…
  • Honestly, I wouldn't beat yourself up about it. I have had a few days over my calories (they are often sushi) and it has not hindered my weight loss that much. If anything, I think it has helped me to stay focused. Eating at a deficit for too long can be stressful, having a break usually helps relieve some of that stress…
  • Nothing super special. I have just been maintaining a consistent caloric deficit. My TDEE is just lower than what is to be expected at my height and activity level. I aim for a 500 calorie deficit each day but it usually ends up being closer to 600 on average. As for specifics of what I am eating I don't think it matters…
  • I sound similar to you. Same height, similar starting weight. I eat very similar and I also do BBG (I'm on my 11th week) and what I have noticed is that for me I often will stall in weight loss for a period of 3-5 weeks and then over the course of a week lose 5 lbs. The water retention can be particularly bad if you are…
  • I did workout and it felt great. It was hard in the moment but after I felt pretty great! Here is my quote. It speaks to me because I am not a naturally gifted athlete but I am not letting that stop me from trying my best.
  • That sounds fantastic! I need to remember to try that!
  • Here is a picture of today's dinner. It is honey balsamic chicken breast with roasted veggies (potatoes, cherry tomatoes and broccoli). Now I just need the courage to work out in this heat. I just keep telling myself that if I do it, I get to drink a protein shake.
  • Congratulations on your wee one! Time goes by too fast. My youngest is 5 months now and I swear she was born yesterday.
  • Congratulations on your little one. It just takes time and patience to lose the pregnancy weight. You only had a baby 8 weeks ago and you already lost 30 lbs. You are doing awesome!!! My baby is 5 months old tomorrow and I remember thinking that it would take me forever to get out of my pregnancy clothes. But one day…
  • My tip is to not let an off meal turn into an off day or an off week. Just because you go over your calories by 200 doesn't mean you might as well have a free for all. Everyone has off days sometimes. Don't dwell on it, and just get back on track as quickly as possible.
  • I want to join too! My birthday is at the beginning of November and I would like to hit the 140s by then. My ultimate goal weight is 140 and I hope to hit that by the end of the year. I am 161 lbs right now and have lost 24 lbs since April. I am going to add you all so you should be seeing a friend request from me shortly.
  • I was the same after the birth of my first. I got to 170 and then I got stuck there. I did the whole30 and lost 7 lbs in a month and got down to 163 very briefly but then I gained it back and then some.
  • You can add me as well. I have lost 24 lbs and am looking to lose another 22 lbs and get fitter.
  • I wish I could work out in the morning but my kids get me up too early. I'd have to get up at 4:30. Hopefully one day they will sleep in.
  • Playing catch up. I don't have that many photos to choose from. The first is when I was newly pregnant and shows what I looked like before I gained the pregnancy weight. The second was taken a few weeks ago on a day where I was feeling like I was looking pretty good. Definitely heavier now but I'm making progress in the…
  • I hope it is not to late to join. I am a 28 year old mom of 2 (ages 2 and 5 months). I gained a lot of weight in my pregnancies. I started out at 143 lbs and ended up over 200 lbs. The first 20 to 30 lbs fell off but then it stalled at 185lbs. Since then I have lost 24 lbs and am now at 161lbs. I would like to get to 140…
  • I sometimes eat large delicious meals (I.e. Sushi) but I don't really view them as cheat meals because I don't like the term. Cheat implies I am doing something wrong. Usually I save my sushi meal for a day where I am going mountain biking for 2+ hours and I need the extra calories. I would prefer to eat one really…
  • 5'9, 28 years old (mom of a 2 year old and an almost 5 month old) HW:202 SW:185 CW: 161 GW:140 (but may change up or down depending on body composition) I have a fitbit so I keep my calorie goal to 1410 and then eat back some to most of my exercise calories that my Fitbit gives me. I usually go based on hunger. Some days I…
  • I try not to view bad days as a failure. I am bound to have a few off days in my journey. So I simply accept that stuff happens and I move on. Also, I don't let one off meal be an excuse for an off day or an off week. Going over my goal by 200 calories is not an excuse for a free for all. It's not about being perfect all…
  • Also be sure to talk to your doctor about your experience. They will better be able to help you. Maybe a medication change is needed or maybe like me the pros outweigh the difficult weight loss. Health (both physical and mental) is more important than the number on the scale.
  • I will chime in here with my experience. I have been on lexapro for 2 years and for the first 9 months I did not gain any weight but then suddenly in a period of a few months I gained 30 lbs without changing anything in my diet. Before this I did not have problems with my weight and easily maintained my weight. I have…
  • It depends on your goals. Currently I do a push/pull/legs routine and that is because I go on long, intense mountain bike rides 2-3 times a week (2 hours+). The reason I do this is that I find it very difficult to push myself on my bike if I am training my legs too often. With this routine, I can time my legs day so that…
  • I will add mine on here. There is a 40 lbs difference between the 2 photos.
  • I was like this before I dropped the sugar as well. I've never been able to moderate because even if I eat just a little I get crazy cravings and it throws off my blood sugar and makes me more hungry than I would have been otherwise. If I didn't eat sugar in the moment I would overeat other foods for the rest of the day to…
  • Wow! You look fabulous! You are inspiring me as a post partum momma that I can eventually get my body back and have it be better than ever. Now I need to go do some more squats.
  • hit the nail on the head with both the sibling comment and the lack of sweets. My mom didn't allow us any sugar so it became a feast or famine mentality in our house. If you didn't eat sweets fast you didn't eat. At the moment because I am regulating my sugar for health reasons (I have postpartum panic…
  • Love this! What a great quote. You're right. If moderating sweets doesn't work for me then I shouldn't try to force it.