hollarach Member


  • The weight comes off at different rates for everyone. Give yourself a little while before you stress out about it. A new baby is enough work :) Remember it took your body 9 months to put that weight on so it'll take awhile to come off (although it sounds like yours is coming off pretty quickly). Hang in there new momma.
  • I was around 150 when I got pregnant, and weighed 209 a week before my baby was born. I was down to 177 lbs at my 6 week postpartum appointment but gained back 12 lbs after I stopped breastfeeding. I've been using MFP for a while and have lost 12.5 lbs :) It's really helped me to kick some bad habits.
  • I had a similar experience to a lot of the mommas on here. I dropped 30lbs right after my babe was born but gained 12lbs when I stopped breastfeeding. (I'm not sure how much weight I gained during pregnancy but it was around 70lbs) Breastfeeding does make you hungry all the time and I had a hard time adjusting back to a…