steplinn398 Member


  • Morning bbb Lou sounds like you need a weekend away in a 5 star hotel with ac and electricity. Heading down to practice pickleball in a few then a massage for Ron and Spanish class this afternoon. Tour de France starts tomorrow so we will probably spend the evening cleaning up our youtube feed as everything. A friend…
  • Morning gang So sorry Lee. I know you care so ,much about the animals and their parents not to do everything. Hopefully there will be a replacement soon. Today is yoga then a new therapist is coming over for a consult. We met her at domino's among other places. She isn't taking new clients but after visiting with him over…
  • Morning all Glad you could find new space Lou. Too hot for sleeping is miserable. Today is Ron's last appointment (we think) with his PT. He leaves Mexico for the hottest part of summer. I have a couple of backups I'm talking to so hopefully will have a replacement before next week. He is also our yoga teacher so we will…
  • Morning gang.
  • Morning bbb Had a truly lazy day yesterday including a nap. Ron has massage at noon then a trip to the supermarket for fresh fruit and veggies this afternoon.
  • Morning gang. It rained here for almost 20 minutes yesterday. Most rain we have seen since we arrived. Then co tinued cloudy all day, which was nice since we went to an outdoor birthday party. Would have been hot on the patio without a sun shade. They had a brick oven so we had pizza. Today is our relaxing day. We have…
  • Morning gang. Temps here hover between 85-95 most days. Mildly humid but I hear it will get much worse. Usually there has been a decent breeze off the water so, so far not miserable. We keep the AC at 80 and thet seems to be working well for us. Today massage, Spanish class then housekeeping. A new friend invited us to…
  • How is it Thursday already. Today we have yoga, dentist and expat happy hour. Plus I really, really need to do some meal prep. Yesterday Ron's PT was late so we didn't get lunch so decided to meet friends for pizza. It was fun but got hot on the balcony as the sun was setting and the breeze died. Should have sat inside I…
  • Love your hikes Dave. You live in a beautiful spot. Headed to the gym now , then Spanish class and Ron's PT appointment. It takes vacation in July for several weeks and Ron is already stressing. We won a GC to the only brewery in town at a silent auction. Maybe we will go use ot today.
  • Morning BBB Heading to yoga soon then Mexican train domino's this afternoon. I don't have a plan for lunch so we might go early and have lunch there. Health care in early retirement is a lot of moving parts. There are definitely some strategies for using ACA and if you can keep your income low enough some decent subsidies.…
  • Not much going on in mexico. We stayed home all day yesterday. Played pickleball until we got hot then had a few cocktails and watched tennis and cycling. Called my dad but he's not much of a phone talker. They did book their tickets to Ireland for August ( using the credit from their canceled trip to New Zealand to visit…
  • Morning gang. Happy Father's day. Yesterday I taught a craft class at the local community center. Good way to force me to speak Spanish. We made zip-top bag aquariums and a flashlight so you could see the fish. I'm doing this for the next 5 weeks. Or maybe longer. Lots of tourists in town so traffic was crazy. Might go to…
  • Happy anniversary
  • Morning bbb It sprinkled yesterday. First rain we have seen since we arrived. Not enough to do anything but make dents in the dust. I bet sassy misses you too. Feel better Mary.
  • Morning gang. Vacation mishaps make the best memories. AC is back on. Today predicted to be 98. That's apparently rare this early in the summer. Have a great day all.
  • Happy anniversary Today this retired lady got up to an alarm. Need to get in a workout before spanish class. I could go when Ron has his PT appointment but I like running the remote and watching TV he doest like. I'm not a fisherman. At all. I think I have been once in my life.
  • Morning BBB We survived nicely without power. The breeze on that balcony was lovely so we hung out there most of the day. I did have to heat my coffee in the camp stove as Ron brewed it at 4am when they originally said power would be out. Today is yoga and then Mexican train/dominos this afternoon. Dad and SM went to her…
  • Morning bbb Our condo is getting a new electric transformer today. Power ( and therefore water and internet) was scheduled to be off from 4am -2 pm. But it's 7:30 and still on. Hopefully it's still happening and they just don't need to cut power until later. We canceled our workout, rescheduled Ron's massage, made plans…
  • Morning gang Our AC is officially on. We turned it on on Tuesday because the dump was on fire and there was tons of smoke in the air. Planned to turn it back off after it cleared but now it is pretty humid out so might just leave it on. I do miss the sound of crashing waves. Today there is an organic market in town. We…
  • Congratulations on the house closing...wishing you a smooth sailing day. Going to head down and knock a few pickle balls around. We don't really play a game, just work on accuracy and serving. Then we play with our left hand for a bit. Ron's PT recommended it. Then Spanish class. The housekeepers come this afternoon too so…
  • Morning gang. Have fun at the birthday party. I'd feel safer with a baby at a pool vs the ocean anyway. What a cutie. Met our Spanish class last night for dinner. Fun to meet outside of class. Lovely view but only OK pizza. Our boat trip scheduled for today is postponed. Our plan is to be in Mexico until mid September.…
  • Morning BBB Kelly I love the fence. It's going to look great. I'm pretty happy with our condo gym. Nice variety of weights and's not arranged very well though. If we owned here I would definitely get on a reorganize committee. Sam I know you said we do to much. Here is a pretty normal week. What do you…
  • I have no advice but retirement is pretty awesome. 😉
  • Morning gang. Today is yoga then a trip to Sam's. We tried to go yesterday but their credit card machine wasn't working and I don't want to spend that much of our cash. Mostly we just need salad greens. So if they still aren't working I go in an get just that. And probably avocado...they are consistently better there than…
  • Cute with a capital C. I wish it would rain here. While I love our sunny beach view a good thunderstorm is good for the soul. Probably not likely until at least August then still not likely to be much. Average is less than 1 inch per month even in the rainy season of aug-oct. Today heading to the gym then Ron has a…
  • Morning bbb Lee I missed that it was more than just your DS/family in Spain. Have a wonderful time. Today is our rest day from the gym/ yoga. Might take a stroll on the beach then a new bike race starts today plus still watching the French Open. The fashion show yesterday was in the full sun so I'm a little pink today. It…
  • Morning gang It's Ley Seca this weekend. Which means dry weekend for the presidential election. Mexico will have a woman president by Monday. No alcohol can be sold at all ( stores, restaurants or bars) and not publicly consumed all day today and tomorrow. My FB groups are going crazy. Many vacationers want refunds. Today…
  • Morning BBB Our dinner last night after the expat meet up was sub par...and expensive. So sad to waste the money and calories. I knew when it was "on the beach" it was likely to be touristy and expensive but thought the food would be good. We should have bowed out when they said where they were going. Next week I'm going…
  • Morning BBB It's so good to see you spending your inheritance. :) what a good reminder to enjoy your money while you can. Especially if it increases your happiness Our mindset on money shifted a bit in 2023. We have plenty, we have no heirs and let's enjoy it while we can. Mostly increased budget on housing, massages and…
  • Morning all