My protein is the same I started on 40 carbs 20 fat ,now I'm on 35 carbs 25 fat which is helping me get my calories in better I'm just lacking ideas for meals then no I just need to sit down and jiggle things about!
Like I said I don't really want to lose any more weight I think it's just to help me meet my calories as sometimes I was struggling to get them in
Thanks anaxmann I'm still quite new to doing macro splits so just getting used to measuring everything and trying to get it to balance I'm sure once I've been doing it for a bit it will be a lot easier!
I started pt sessions about 8 weeks ago and originally they put me on 40/40/20 I've lost a little weight and body fat but seemed to have plateaued....... not really wanting to lose any more weight so I am now on 40/35/25