DreamFighter2019 Member


  • Hi guys! My name is Alyssa... Mom of 3 here. FINALLY getting off my butt & getting in gear to lose this baby weight. I was at 204, but I've managed to drop 15 pounds, and about 35 pounds to go until my goal of: 150. I enjoy working out in the early AM (6) because it's quiet & some me time, before I have to send the first…
  • Hi guys! Mom of 3 here. FINALLY getting off my butt & getting in gear to lose this baby weight. I was at 204, but I've managed to drop 15 pounds, and about 35 pounds to go until my goal of: 150. I enjoy working out in the early AM (6) because it's quiet & some me time, before I have to send the first kid to school. My diet…