Sammyyy01 Member


  • Thank you for pointing this out. If you didn't, I would've probably read it and been severely triggered :neutral:
  • Very true. Thank you so much x
  • Thank you so much for your kind words. This definitely helped me more than words can describe. I will speak to my therapist as I think you're right when you say anorexia is a psychological issue. My mind is the thing that is controlling me most and I think I need help to escape it. Thanks again x
  • Yes I am, but we don't really talk about how I'm doing mentally. They just focus on my weight.
  • I am currently not allowed to exercise but the urges are always so strong :( I want to get in to weight training but I also have a chronic illness which prevents me from doing much so I really don't know what to do anymore..
  • Thank you so much! This helps a lot :) From now on I'm just going to try to focus on eating enough. Thanks again xx