SuzyQ53015 Member


  • Hello! Thank you, Louise and Molly, for your well-wishes. You both are doing great!! You give me encouragement and hope that I will get these last pounds off - again!! Ortho Dr was great. She did not scold about the couple of pounds I'm up from six months ago. She told me that I have too many ortho problems to be doing…
    in Check-in Comment by SuzyQ53015 July 2017
  • Louise, way to go! I think I need to get back to daily weigh-ins. Too easy to let things slide otherwise. Molly, good luck at the Drs! You're doing great! Thank you both for the well-wishes. Not a good start to the day pain-wise. Never had a bout of sciatica this bad before. Overdid it on carbs yesterday, stress-eating.…
    in Check-in Comment by SuzyQ53015 July 2017
  • Hello, Louise and Molly! Molly, sorry to hear about your Dad. Hope everything turns out okay! Louise, great job staying on track!! Aggravated my sciatica this morning - can't move! Heating pad and pain meds. With any luck, tomorrow will be a better day! Have a great weekend!
    in Check-in Comment by SuzyQ53015 July 2017
  • Oi! Up two pounds!?!? Scream! Okay, I wouldn't be as psycho about it except that I have a dr appointment on Tuesday and I HATE getting the look and the question "Why have you gained?" It makes me not want to go, but it's my orthopedic dr and I need my cortisone injections in my knees. I have been staying on track and…
    in Check-in Comment by SuzyQ53015 July 2017
  • Happy Saturday to all! Louise, way to go, especially with a very stressful situation! Very smart to take your own food. Molly, that's a great reminder, especially with the weekend here. Slip ups seem easier on the weekend, for me, anyway. But, we can always get back on track! Over the next 10 days I will be making several…
    in Check-in Comment by SuzyQ53015 July 2017
  • I love cheese, but have found the light ones I've tried to be rather tasteless. (Mostly mozzarella) I WISH we had a Trader Joe's!! I will give the Colby-Jack light cheese a try, though. Hubby and I eat so much Greek yogurt because it's so high in protein. Even after five years, I still have a hard time with most meats,…
    in Check-in Comment by SuzyQ53015 July 2017
  • Molly, I can't tell you how many times I reached for those graham crackers today! I just have to remember to reach for a Greek yogurt if I want something dessert-like. I agree that total deprivation leads to negative consequences. One trigger food at a time. And I must continue exercising - which I absolutely hate!! My…
    in Check-in Comment by SuzyQ53015 July 2017
  • Awesome, Molly! Your commitment to a healthier life keeps me encouraged!
    in Check-in Comment by SuzyQ53015 July 2017
  • It has been about six weeks since I last ate chocolate candy - my go-to stress food. It feels great being able to walk past the candy dish and not grab a handful of minis. My other favorite stress food, ice cream, was eliminated a long time ago - can't take credit for that because I can't tolerate ice cream since my…
    in Check-in Comment by SuzyQ53015 July 2017
  • So sorry I haven't been posting lately! Family, family, family!! (Said with a whiney tone!) keep up the great work ladies - you ROCK!!!
    in Check-in Comment by SuzyQ53015 July 2017
  • Thank you, Molly!!
    in Check-in Comment by SuzyQ53015 July 2017
  • Good morning, Louise and Molly! (And anyone deciding to peek in on the group - please join us!!) I had a dream last night that, in the past, would have my crying when I woke up. Not this time! I woke up mad!! Mad that I ignored the thirty-pound gain. Mad that I don't fit in my clothes from two years ago. Mad that I have…
  • Good morning, All!! Sorry I haven't checked in lately. Returned from vacation late Sunday. Family members paid us a surprise visit on Monday!! They just left, so time to get things back on track. Louise - good luck with selling your home! I do not envy you ;) Any suggestions for a good chocolate protein shake?? I'm…
    in Check-in Comment by SuzyQ53015 July 2017
  • Louise, that's great news! We're going on vacation for the next ten days. My apologies now if I don't get a chance to check in. Will do lots of playing with the grandkids, so no problem getting in exercise! Will watch calorie intake, though!! I haven't lost any pounds this week (week 3 of being back on track), but I look…
    in Check-in Comment by SuzyQ53015 June 2017
  • Louise, so glad you went to see the dr! Hopefully the Z-pack won't bother your tummy. Take care!!
    in Check-in Comment by SuzyQ53015 June 2017
  • Hope you feel better soon, Louise! Please take care of yourself. One of the benefits I have experienced with WLS is improved health overall. I rarely have to take a sick day from work ( high school teacher) - knock on wood. But, back in post-surgery year 2, I was sick allllllll the time! I couldn't walk past a sneeze…
    in Check-in Comment by SuzyQ53015 June 2017
  • Same here with Wendy's chili - I still enjoy it!! I'm not going to stress myself over things - just watch my simple carb intake, protein and calories. Little steps at a time! My big hurdle is exercising regularly!!! :p I also do eat five small meals a day. I guess I'm lucky that I can't consume much food in one sitting.…
  • Oh, great! I live on Greek yogurt and cottage cheese! So what the heck are we supposed to eat? The article I read seemed to be encouraging protein shakes as meal replacements. Maybe I need to go back and re-read. I'll check out the links you posted, Louise. Thank you!!
  • Louise, I've been wondering about bread. Yesterday, I was reading an article from a bariatric website. The author said that there should be no bread, rice, pasta, ...! I was surprised by that and more than a bit depressed. Is bread, in moderation, that bad?? There are times when I just want a sandwich. Today I was able to…
  • Something I REALLY want to do is cut out the carbs in the form of bread and crackers (and the occasional cookie) . They are empty calories. Thankfully I don't eat pasta and rice. I can't take any credit for that - they just don't agree with me since my surgery. I also must wait longer before drinking liquids after meals.…
  • I hear you, Rhonda! I'm up 30 pounds from my lowest postRNY surgery, have recently lost 5 and want to lose another 15 to 20. I am a carbohydrate addict. The simpler the sugar, the more I crave it! I'm also a nighttime snacker. What seems to be working for me is flavored, nonfat Greek yogurt. Most nights, I have a 100…
  • Congratulations on your accomplishments! That's plural because the first accomplishment was going through the weight-loss surgery program. Another accomplishment was taking control and getting back on track to a healthier lifestyle. My experience is very similar to yours. After going from 294 lbs to 143.5, I gradually…
  • Good morning! Woo-Hoo! Back in the 160s today. What a relief! From past experience, once the scale starts creeping up, I have always found it difficult to stop it. I would ignore the scale, hoping it would somehow change by itself - which it did, just upward. :s My biggest downfall is work-related stress eating. I WISH I…
    in Check-in Comment by SuzyQ53015 June 2017
  • Crabby mood today! Hubby actually told me to eat a Snickers bar. :D I didn't! I did 30 minutes of cardio instead. Feeling somewhat better. Waiting a few weeks more before I try on those "snug" pants that fit last year. How those darn pounds and inches creep up!!! On the plus side, I'm down 4 pounds so far!!! Have a healthy…
    in Check-in Comment by SuzyQ53015 June 2017
  • I'm in! Start weight: 170 Goal weight: 164
  • Hi, All! Struggling today with fatigue and hunger - but that's normal for me during week 2 of regaining control (yep, I've done this a number of times before :/ ). I ate more carbs today than I would have liked, but I kept things pretty well in control. Did NOT refill the candy bowl when cleaning, though!! One thing that…
    in Check-in Comment by SuzyQ53015 June 2017
  • Hi, All! My first week back on track has been good, but not easy. I'm craving junk food like crazy, but the image of my wide, jiggly backside is still fresh in my mind! :D I finally started moving my body - love those Leslie Sansone walk at home DVDs! I'm also doing some elastic band work for my upper body. Any suggestions…
    in Check-in Comment by SuzyQ53015 June 2017
  • Hi, All! Feeling pretty good today with staying under 1300 calories. I do love my carbs, but I'm being more selective (since watching calories!). Chocolate is a trigger food, so I am refraining from it for now. So far, so good - although it has been less than a week since getting back on track. Louise, great that you are…
    in Check-in Comment by SuzyQ53015 June 2017
  • I have a bunch of Leslie Sansone DVDs! Was faithful for a year or so. Must dust them off and start using them again! The hubby keeps saying he's going to join me, but... :/ I don't eat my exercise calories just because I'm afraid to. Not sure if it would be more beneficial to eat them or not.
    in Check-in Comment by SuzyQ53015 June 2017
  • Same here, Louise. I know I'm eating too many simple carbs. My bariatric surgeon had told me to eat "all the lean protein" I want. He warned me about carbs. Again, he was right. Stress-eating is one of the things that put me at 294 - why would I want to restart that nasty habit?? No more excuses, just HONEST logging. Next…
    in Check-in Comment by SuzyQ53015 June 2017