MarkusDarwath Member


  • I do believe this is possible. You seem to have said that maybe it might be but the research is unconvincing. Tell you what, I know one individual is a terrible sample size, but I'll use myself as an experiment since I'm just getting started on my personal program. Just started working out yesterday, but started my diet…
  • There's definitely a lot of that going on. Overall, I really need to work on my hip flexors. As I said, it was the return to starting position that really killed me more than the stroke.
  • I disagree on the evolution thing. Until modern times, acquiring food has always required work, and in lean times it often required extra work. Of course I'm not talking about full-on famine, where our ancestors would have gone days without eating, but simply those times when food was less plentiful (bad growing season, or…
  • I don't think I even achieve 12 o'clock. There's just too much middle in the way. I had to grab the handles before I put my feet up on the pedals, and it was a *kitten* getting my shoes into the straps. Yeah, I got a long way to go.
  • They do have dumbells and I think kettlebells... and there are bars with plates but those are all in Smith machines. I haven't tried the Smiths yet, so I might end up liking them ok, but I can see a potential issue in the forced linearity of the lifts. Some people insist they are bad and dangerous.. I have no opinion yet…
  • As a couple posters have given insight into it, body dysmorphic feelings become a clinical condition when they interfere with a person's ability to function in their life and make rational decisions. Same thing applies to a lot of different 'psychosis'. Auditory hallucinations, for example. Hearing voices that aren't…
  • If they were saying something negative about themselves, yes I would be inclined to think they were being truthful. I'm generally pretty good at reading between the lines and sorting the facts from the hype and BS and opinions that someone wants to feed me. That's why I mostly avoid consuming "news" as it has become pretty…
  • That is not actually true. Muscle repair and generation are both part of your TDEE. What you need to build muscle is sufficient protein and micronutrients, work overload to spur the muscle growth/adaptation, and enough energy to meet your total expenditure. The body works on energy balance. Any actual -surplus- in calories…
  • It depends. If you are under-muscled for your weight (aka "skinny fat" or, having a body fat percentage higher than your BMI would suggest) then yes, you definitely can... but there's going to be a limit to how much you can gain. You won't see any body builders achieving competitive levels on body-weight only exercise…
  • NPR carries zero credibility with me. Unless the statements are being made by a PF spokesperson I will assume that they are being exaggerated to sound as outlandish as possible. Like I said, I just joined. So far I've done the 30 minute orientation and the 15 minute sitdown with the trainer (so why is there only one at the…
  • As a kid, I was very limited in the amount of soda I was allowed to drink. When I got out on my own I went more than a little nuts with it since I could have as much as I wanted whenever I wanted. Got to drinking 6 to 10, or more, cans of Pepsi per day. I also ate mass quantities because I grew up with a very fast…
  • That's true of gyms/health clubs/fitness centers in general and not even remotely unique to PF. I definitely have issues with the manner in which some of their 'anti-intimidation' policies have been enforced, as reported in the media. But on the other hand, I've also come to understand that pretty much 100% of the "news"…
  • Surrounded by beautiful, horny women and having eternal 100% ED.
  • For sheer calorie density it's hard to get higher than peanut butter, nuts, and trail mix. Those foods can really pack in the calories without having to eat large quantities.
  • I see. Thanks, but it's not for me at this time. I'm at the stage of establishing my routine, so random alterations won't fit my goals for a while yet. Good luck to all participating.
  • How many homeless have a bank account to sign up for the automatic payments? Sounds like an urban myth.
  • What sort of things will the mandatory weekly challenges consist of?
  • My wife likes the massage chairs. She uses it as a reward after doing her workout. So, if a side amenity helps motivate someone to actually show up and do the exercise, does that not benefit their fitness?
  • As has already been mentioned, 0.8g per kg of body weight is just a basic need level for the average (not obese) sedentary to lightly active person. It will provide a general level of good health under those conditions and is neither a bare survival minimum, nor is it adequate for a highly active/athletic person. The…
  • Having a supply of fat to burn for energy is not a superpower. Dietary calorie deficit does not mean you have a total energy deficit. If your diet is providing sufficient protein and micronutrients, you're doing the work, and you have fat reserves above the healthy functioning range, it is entirely possible to add muscle…
  • For me "cheat day" specifically means I'm not logging, or tracking calories or macros. This is pretty much related specifically to social engagements, because I have no inclination to tote my food scale everywhere with me, nor to hound my hosts about ingredients. And I'm terrible at estimating. This is not necessarily a…
  • Sounds like you have it well in hand then. Awesome! I have an unfortunate tendency to jump into things with both feet and then fizzle before I get to whatever the end goal was. So when you listed everything you're doing I assumed starting it all at once. I've been doing low-carb off and on for a few years (for diabetic…
  • From within a message thread, click on their picture. That'll take you to a page with the option to send a message or ignore. Click on their pic again to go to their profile, and there will be a button to add as friend. (this is for the desktop web site. I know nothing about the app.)
  • I do not want to discourage you in any way whatever. Just want to point out that that's quite a few new things to start all at once. Depending on the frequency and duration of your workouts, it could start toward burning you out in a couple more months. I'm simply offering a small caution from experience. At one time I…
  • I don't know about where you live, but here eggs are very cheap, and they are a great source of nutrition, containing at least a little bit of almost everything a human body needs. What eggs lack can be gotten pretty easily from things like spinach, onions, etc... stuff that goes nicely into omelettes or even a crustless…
  • Doing the math that's about a 3.4mph pace, so you would complete a 5k race in under an hour. If you're just starting I would say that's quite good with respect to your height. Having a shorter stride you have to actually move your legs quite a bit faster than a taller person would to make the same speed... and effort is…
  • Sounds possible. Unfortunately that could be taken literally or sarcastically.
  • Perhaps because you know in advance most of your eating will be done away from home, with food made by others, so that accurate logging is impossible?