Labetc1 Member


  • I’m 5ft 4in. And 31. I’m trying to get Down to 145 which I think is good conspire has 2 pregnancies and hormone therapy in between both therapies. So 25 more pounds I would like to use. I do have endometriosis so I’m wondering if that could be contributing???
  • I really don’t think so. I measure everything...everything!! Don’t eat food that isn’t prepared by myself because I can’t be sure what the I geredients are. I carry around a food scale in my purse. And hardly eat anything that isn’t made by me. If I go to dinner with my hubby I only get a side salad with no dressing.
  • I do. I even carry one around in my purse.
  • And I have adjusted my calories since starting
  • I’m eating 1700 calories a day. I do a 30 minute cardio/strength workout with 5 pound dumbbells 5morninfs a week. I’m an active mom and I substitute teach 2 days a week. I use my fitness pal to log calories. I do not count my workout as extra calories. It’s just 1700 everyday