RussellAMagni Member


  • Personally speaking I joined Weight Watchers coincidentally the day you made this post, and I've lost 58 pounds... I like the freestyle, of course that's all I'm used to I didn't know the old plan but the new plan works for me and I love it my wife is also lost 40 lb since March 4th.. but we paid to go to the meetings too…
  • Wow congratulations!!
  • I started dieting at the beginning of March. At work every quarter we have a division meeting, they have these chairs, every time I sat in them I would have to squeeze in. Last quarter, It was embarrassing I'd have to wait for everyone to leave to get out of that chair. Thursday we had our quarterly meeting and the chair…
  • I just joined WW... and it's working... but I like the community on mfp so I'm going to do both not necessarily track calories but I'm going to use the community here cuz people here are awesome and this is way better then the way they have that setup... but since the freestyle points system is working for me I'm going to…
  • naked potato [I have no shirt on] lol pretty accurate
  • lol well this is going to sound ridiculous but I can actually get on the scale and see my weight and not see ffffff or eeeee