lmgroupiegirl Member


  • Chocolate and sodas. I'm doing *much* better on the soda front, plus I found that cutting them has really helped with my migraines (they used to be triggered by a lack of caffeine, so I'd drink a soda to feel "better" only to find then my tummy felt worse). Chocolate....I'm never giving up chocolate. It just won't happen.…
  • I do/have! I only last week added an actual workout routine to my exercises, all I've been doing since February has been upping my activity level by walking for 20-30 minutes at least 4 times a week. I lost 12 lbs by just adjusting my portion size and adding the walking. I've creeped back up a few lbs since my kids got out…
  • I've lost 8lbs, bringing us to 57lbs lost.
  • I agree with portioning things out, also designate a snack time if you are able. To me, being able to tell myself "no, you are going to eat your snack at 11am" helps when I'm in reality, just bored at 10:30am. As for snacks themselves, I like string cheese, multi-grain crackers, and prepackaged snacks in the 100-250…
  • Definitely take the time and find some yummy recipes that are better for you. I have 5 kids and a husband who loves food (who is also blessed with a high metabolism), and they would scoff at a "lighter" choice of salad or something, but I've managed to find some pretty substantial meals that are a better choice and still…
  • I don't remember when I started listening...maybe the 2nd year? I love listening when I'm doing housework (hate housework, anything to distract me!) and now that I'm trying to get fit I listen while I take walks.
  • Chocolate. For sure. More than that though is I eat when I'm bored. I've stopped stocking the candy stash at work because we have enough downtime that I would eat at least as much candy when I was bored as real food at mealtime. Now I'm trying to fulfill the boredom cravings by drinking water and walking around my office…
  • My fitbit calorie adjustment seems pretty accurate, more accurate than guessing what my YouTube video lead exercise equals in the MFP database. I love knowing that I am a little more active than I thought and also being able to see if maybe I'm falling behind in my steps and I need to move around some.…
  • My short term goal is to be more active in general. My job isn't physically demanding and neither are my hobbies. Long term goal is to get fit. I've been skinny, but I've never had stamina nor been in shape.
  • Hey everyone I'm Abby! I'm 5'5" and I'm currently 142 (started at 151 in February). This is the heaviest I've been excluding pregnancy, and since I *did* manage to lose all the baby weight after my youngest it's all on me and my poor habits this time around. I'm aiming for 125-130 and to be consistent and better with both…